Another Facelift

The sites (the main and marketplace) have gotten a minor facelift tonight with the help of an editor.

Please check out the new revised menus, the marketplace landing page, and the updated pages for the Hyebrenia campaign setting.

Marketplace is now live!

The Shop is now live, accessible through The Leafy Seadragon Inn!

There is one ‘Freebie’ placeholder while I’m working on the rest of the stock and products.

Please check it out from the link to the left in the menu bar.

Slow Going, But Getting There

It’s a little more work than I originally thought, but this site should be live now on the inter-webs!

The Marketplace is facing some technical hurdles, I’m hoping to get that live in January 2018.

Please do look around, poke at things, and let me know if you find anything weird…..



Well, you found us! Since you’re here, why don’t you poke around a bit, and if you find something you need to tell us about, please use the Contact page (link in the menu above).

We’re just starting to get everything set up, so please be sure to stop back by in the near future to check in!

Marketplace coming soon!

I’m still working on getting the final details worked out, so please don’t give up on me yet!

The Marketplace will begin being populated with some “Freebies” at first, to help me work on testing out the final cart and checkout implementation.  Following, I’ll start with some of the other fun activities that I think you might be interested in…. VERY interested in….